I'm not really sure I have anything relevant to say, but this is the last chance I will have to do this in 2014, so I thought I might just list a few goals and lay out a tentative plan for the coming year. 1. Find a home for Antiartists. I'm still not sure what this means. Whether I find an agent to represent it, or if I find an indie publisher that accepts unrepresented manuscripts, or decide to pull the trigger and e-publish, I think it needs an audience, needs to get out there, so I can move on and let it go. 2. Finish the new novel (working title: Flagg). I've got 25,000 words so far, and I would like to finish it sometime before the end of 2015. If I can work with any semblance of discipline, this seems to be a pretty modest goal. 3. Develop some kind of network of readers and writers that I can feel comfortable sharing with. This is important, I know. Ugh. Other people. Gross. 4. Stay positive, and keep moving forward....
Here in the Black and White