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Showing posts from 2025

The North American Friends Movie Club Are Not My Friends

  On Tuesday, my dog was fine. Wednesday she... wasn't. Thursday morning my wife took her to the vet. Thursday night the whole family took her to the emergency vet. And- On Thursday we had three dogs living in this house On Friday we had two. It's sad, okay. Those of us that have multiple pets know that there's one that we consider ours . She was the one I considered MY dog. Fucksake-  Whatever, this is not the point okay this isn't the thing that got me to sit down and write today. This thing is isn't about loss. It is about gratitude. So Thursday sucked.  It was full of dread and fear and uncertainty and stress. And on top of all that I had to work which takes concentration and focus, and on top of that I had just a few hours sleep.   Picture me at my desk with my headphones on, distracted and worried, and waiting for the other shoe to drop, picture me with a heart preparing to break, picture me with a head filled with questions: am I too soft for what is comi...