What follows is the prologue for a novel I have started but never finished, before my current project took over my writing efforts entirely. I wanted to post this because I think that the perception is that these things come easily and whole, that writing is somehow easy for those of us that do it, that a certain measure of success with the craft means that it is all fun and games for us. It isn't. There are a lot of missteps and failures and garbage that has to come out before anything good happens. Writing, if you take it seriously, is something that is shaped. Made, rather than born, if that makes sense. I will probably finish this someday, maybe next year after I get this current thing off of my plate. This part came very naturally, but I found that the main text, the body of the story, wanted to fight me every step of the way, that nothing wanted to come easy. Maybe I just haven't found the right voice, or maybe it just wasn't the right time for this one or wha
Here in the Black and White