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Showing posts from June, 2016


What you do when someone leaves you behind is, you dig a hole, you line it with rocks. You take the bricks left over from when you built that flower bed by the side of the house, you lay them out around the hole.  You don't think about the flowers, you don't think about how they died, how they didn't get enough sun where you built the bed, how they withered and wasted away. You go inside and you gather all the things, the tiny hurtful things, the hair clip from between the cushions of the couch, the sock from behind the hamper, the scribbled grocery list. You grab the afghan from off the back of the couch.  You don't think about how it smells like her, like the expensive shampoo that she used.  You don't think about the fights, about how it was her little luxury that you could never quite afford.  You take all these things and you throw them into the hole.  You take all the letters, the postcards that she wrote you when she traveled, you ignore the stupid puns, the ...